Fremont, CA 94536
OBJECTIVE: Estimator/Designer/Drafter position
11/10-07/11 Estimator/Designer/Drafter
Wildcat Metals Co., San Jose, CA
Solely responsible for take-offs, estimating and preparation of
documentation for bids on
Architectural Sheet Metal parts of projects such as: metal walls and
roofs, sheet metal flashing, trims and various metals break shapes.
Prepared full size shop drawings, using ACAD LT 2012, and pertained
documentation for submittals. The projects to bid were public,
10/07 -11/10 commercial and residential.
N.V. Heathorn Co., San Leandro, CA
Solely responsible for take-offs, estimating and preparation of
documentation for bids on
Architectural Sheet Metal parts of projects such as: metal walls and
roofs, sheet metal flashing, trims and various metal break shapes,
expansion joint covers by using personally created custom estimating
table. Prepared full size shop drawings, and pertained documentation
for submittals. Created custom made job progress table which
automatically calculated balance between labors spent cost and budget
for the project itemized by work elements. The latest successfully
05/07 - 09/07 accomplished project for which labor and material cost fit initial
estimates are: California museum of Oakland with stainless steel
custom made wall panels, break shapes and metal roofing. Li Ka-Shing
Biology Building at UC Berkeley with stainless steel custom made wall
shingles, flashing and brake shapes.
Plumbing Designer
ACIES Engineering, Sunnyvale, CA
08/06 - 04/07 Contract. Designed water, sewer and gas systems for commercial and
industrial facilities
using ACAD 2006, architectural standards and plumbing building codes.
Laid out equipment. Created plumbing fixtures schedules for different
projects. Contacted vendors. Investigated and resolved field issues.
Cold Storage Group, Union City, CA
Performed design/drafting of cold storage structures from a scratch
using ACAD 2006,
architectural standards, accordingly with UBC, CBC, CMC, CEC. Laid
out refrigeration equipment. Designed custom details. Prepared
equipment schedules. Organized documentation for submittals. Took off
materials, equipment and labor.
03/03 - 8/06
Aire Sheet Metal, Inc., Redwood City, CA
Started as designer/drafter using ACAD 2000 and was quickly assigned
to make estimates and take-offs for Architectural Sheet Metal
department, continued to do design/drafting of all ASM department
projects accordingly with architectural standards. Assumed
responsibilities on creating of database and standards for ASM
department which allowed substantial cut timing for handling multiple
1998 -01/03 projects and reduced human errors. Contacted subcontractors and
vendors, controlled cost of materials, actively participated in work
progress of multiple projects with emphasis on cutting costs and
keeping full cooperation on quality work and schedules with general
contractors and architects. Accomplished estimate/design for Hyatt
Senior Center, Gladstone Institute, WT Santa Clara, Tully Branch
Library, Walnut Creek WTP, Four Season Hotel and many more projects
which involved a design/estimating of whole system for metal roofs,
metal walls, seismic joints, louvers, break shapes, ornamental metal.
Total of estimated projects was 60 and total of designed/drafted
projects was 50.
Air Systems, Inc., San Jose, CA
Responsible for design/drafting/take-offs of Architectural Sheet Metal
department projects. Successfully accomplished design of over 300
small, medium and big projects such as: Fairmont Hotel in San Jose,
Bayer bldg. #34 in Emeryville, Lawrence Livermore Lab Terrascale in
Livermore, Natoma bldg. in San Francisco received high marks from
customers. Most of projects included design of metal roofs, walls,
flashings, canopies, seismic joints, architectural ornamental metal.
Created data base library of custom-made elements for reuse in
multiple projects. Employed design of projects in the way to simplify
technological process, reduce cost of labor and materials.
Designed/drafted using ACAD 2002 and architectural standards.
EDUCATION: Institute of Civil Engineers of Odessa, Ukraine. B.S. in Sanitary
Ohlone College. Fremont, CA. ACAD -13/14.
SOFTWARE: AutoCAD - 2006-2012; CAD Drafix - 4.8; QCAM - 4.2; MS Office 7.