R enee Archambault
Brighton, MA 02135
E D UCAT IO N Massachusetts College of Art and Design, Boston,
Bachelor of Fine Arts Degree, Fashion Design, May
Holyoke Community College, Holyoke, MA
Associates Degree Visual Arts, June 2005
HO NORS & AWARDS First Place, Laboure Fashion Design and
Scholarship Contest, 2007
J uly 2010 – present F reelance Fashion Designer
December 2009 – January 20010 L iz Claiborne, New York, NY
May 2010 - June 2010 F ree Lance, Menswear division
• Researched seasonal t rends and inspiration for
i nternal presentations for wovens and knits
• Create f lat sketches by hand or in Adobe I llustrator
for body detail ideas and working with tech
designer to create technical packages
• C reated presentation boards for design and
merchandising teams
• Assist in showroom set up for buyer meetings
June 2009 – August 2009 L iz Claiborne, New York, NY
Design Intern, Menswear
• Specked garments and attended fit meetings
• Assisted with clothing and showroom display
• Assembled group reports
• Attended sales review f low meetings
• Proposed Fall ‘10’ design ideas for the West Coast
b rand
September 2008 – December 2008 Sara Campbell, Boston, MA
Design Intern, Woman’s Wear
• Assisted with Excel spreadsheets for costing
• Placed calls, emails, faxes to fabric and t rims
• Traced and marked patterns
• Participated in making presentation boards
February 2008 – April 2008 Boston Apparel Group, Boston, MA
Design Intern, Woman’s Knitwear
• Specked garments
• Sketched f lats and new body ideas
• Provided design input
S K I L LS Gerber, Web PDM, I llustrator, U4ia, Photoshop,
E mbroidery.