Michael Bakkum
Sherwood, OR **140
Professional Profile
Public Works Street Supervisor with more than 24 years experience planning, developing and implementing programs for the City of Hillsboro. Programs include sidewalk inspection and repair, city-wide leaf collection, street sweeping, water quality facility inspection and maintenance, asphalt repair, snow plowing, de-icing and storm debris management. Developed and implemented the Fats, Oils & Grease (FOG) program which includes inspecting and working with restaurants on managing food waste.
Excellent verbal communication and conflict resolution skills
Creative team leader
Process implementation
Proficiency in Emergency Operation Center (EOC ) and Division Operation Center (DOC) operations and procedures
FEMA trained in debris management
Project Management
Member of the Cooperative Public Agencies of Washington County (CPAWC) and served as Chairman from 2010-11. CPAWC member agencies include Washington County and the municipalities within the County. Members meet monthly to share best practices and coordinate resources. The last 4 years I helped plan and facilitate the annual CPAWC workshop, attended by hundreds of public works professionals in Washington County.
Managed the following City Public Works programs:
City-wide leaf pick up program that provides service to all Hillsboro residents
Sidewalk inspection and repair
Water quality facility inspection and maintenance
Street sweeping
Tree trimming and vegetation management
Storm debris, snow and ice removal
Asphalt repair
Developed and implemented the Fats Oils and Grease (FOG) program; the first one in Washington County
Process Improvement
Created new departmental procedures manual
Assessed organizational training needs
Worked directly with the City s Public Works Storm and Sewer Supervisors and the Water & Parks Departments to build solid working relationships
Exchanged ideas and resources to make departments more efficient and productive
24 years public works experience; supervised a crew of 12
Built relationships with other municipalities through the CPAWC
Managed the Street Department budget
Participated on the Regional Disaster Debris Management planning team from 2010-2012
Gave presentation to local municipalities and jurisdictions about the importance of having a FOG Program; also presented the FOG program at area "short schools".
Completed supervisory class at Portland Community College
Attended numerous disaster debris related trainings including US Army Corp of Engineers Debris Management Workshop, FEMA E202: Disaster Debris Management for State, Local & Tribal Governments at the National Emergency Training Center in Maryland
Completed five-day Executive Forum Leadership Lab
Completed confined space training