McKinney, TX *****
Christi C. Hankins
Objective: To obtain an interesting and challenging role w ith a stable, growth-oriented company.
Related S kills:
Excellent verbal and writ ten communication skills, detail o riented, and personable. Comfortable
i nteracting with a ll levels of management. Strong team player w ith an outstanding work ethic.
Working k nowledge of a ll Microsoft applications, Solomon, Dun & B radstreet, Distinctive, Lotus Notes,
Peachtree Accounting, G reat P lains Dynamics, QuickBooks, Banking software, NetConnect,
AcceleHealth, Facts, Viiad, Welldyne, Microsoft OutLook, Live Chat, 10-key by touch. E xtremely
p rofici ent w ith all office equipment.
Career Exper ience:
G M Southwest, I nc. F r isco, TX
M ay 2008 - Present
*P remium Coordinator “2012 Employee of the Year”
• Primary Customer service representative for the Premium/Eligibility queue
• Secondary contact person for school representatives
• Approve Non-Audit Waivers, Processing Waiver Audits, Send Waiver Denials or Request for
Additional Information
• Load eligibility received by individual applications onto spreadsheet for Master Eligibility Database,
C reate Spreadsheet for Demographic Updates to the Master Eligibility Database, Request Removal
coverage for ineligibility students Master Eligibility Database
• Log return mail and correct address
• Premium Customer Service Workflow, Eligibility Claims Workflow, Member Not Found Workflow
• Add Blanket Claims for K-12, Eligibility Corrections after student is removed from Master Eligibility
• Set up monthly bank drafts
• Give web support for students, Tracking all eligibility adding to spreadsheet & sending to IT for daily
• Help with reconciliation for all school to straighten out eligibility issues
• Printing and sending out ID cards for all school on a weekly basis
• Maintaining a listing all checks received, Maintain paid & unpaid invoices on SharePoint
• Direct point of contact for Carefirst dental and sending all eligibility to Carefirst Dental on a weekly
basis, Reconciling CareFirst eligibility so that payment could be made
• Direct point of contact for Davis Vision along with all entries & enquiry’s
• Gathering information for eligibility verification through several companies for student waivers to be
p rocessed
• Reconciling voided checks, Voiding credit card transactions, Processing credit card transaction for
manual applications, Voiding claims checks
• Direct point of contact for premium & enrollment issues with University of Utah, University of
Georgia and American University
• Assisting with complaint issues and gathering need information for our appeals department
• Assists with any bank draft issues & NSF problems & collecting the premium
• Assists with gathering information for auditors visit
• Assists with eligibility issues, preparing and issuing documentation for qualifying events
• AP filing & setting up AP folders, assists with any accounting issues accounts payable and accounts
• Online bank deposits
SourcingPa r tner, I nc. M cKinney, TX
J anuary 06 - April - 08
* Accounting Assistant/Call Center
• Responsible for supporting t he Chief F inancial Officer
• Coding and entering a ll invoices into Solomon for accounts payable
• Preparing deposits & applying i ncoming wires for payment, Balancing & maintaining the check register
• Entering journal entries i nto Solomon, Entering sales orders, Entering inventory receipts into Solomon
• Printing t he p icking list and d ir ecting it to t he warehouse for shipment
• Mailing out invoices & checks, Sending out wires & setting up templates for wires
• Filing and setting up folders for a ll vendors and customers
• Running E DI! for i ncoming PO's and entering a sales order for shipment
• Assisting t he Chief Operating Officer with major project s
• Taking customer service call s for "Office Depot Part s Support" at our local office, Taking orders for
warranty issues, Assisting t hroughout the office for w hatever needs to be done
• Maintaining t he H UB tape daily, maintaining t he company E BAY account. Selling chairs, receiving
payment and shipping out chairs
H & R B lock M o r tgage R ichardson, TX
F ebruary 04 - J anua ry 06
* Branch Administrative Assistant
• Responsible for supporting the District and P roduction Managers and their teams, Responsible for
organizing a ll g roup functions, meetings, and t ravel a rrangements
• Assist t he Account M anager Team Lead with assigning files
• E ntering appraisal i nformation int o L PS for the A M's, Code and approve appraisal i nvoi ces and send
t hem to corporate for payment
• Assist in closin g w i t h VOEs, Support department leader s by maintain calendar, scheduling and by act ing
as a surrogate to m anage the i nternal work list to approve travel authorizations, expense reports, etc. for
t heir teams, Process leader's expense reports and reconcile again st statements ensuring corporate
complian ce of b ill i ng standards
• Provide reporting assistance by running report such as: RAM, L PS and credit reports daily, Setting up
and gather all report for quarterly team v isits with D M & teams and also P roduction M anager & her
i ndividual department s
• Work in document p reparation and management, including formatting and edi ting letter s, report s and all
other correspondence f rom the d raft stage to client-ready work and coordinate sending to t he appr opr iate
• Distributing leads to loan officers on a daily basis
• Responsible for p rocessing and maintaining invoi ce payments for accounts payable, p rofessi onal
membership s, seminar s, and expense reports t hrough a m ulti-tiered approval process
• Coordinate the l icensing of Loan Officers for Loui siana & A rkansas
*Branch R eceptionist
• Responsible for answering switchboard for over 100+ people located in the Richardson branch office, Act
as f irst point of contact for v isiting clients
• Sort and d i stribut e a ll i ncoming mail, as well as handle postage and b illing for all outgoing mail
• Enter i nformation & keep underwriting sub-log current
• Maintain Fed-Ex H ub tapes by changing every F riday & Monday and maintain shippin g supplies and
• Inventory and order office supplies including, toner, basic office supplies, letterhead, folders, company
envelopes, break room supplies, etc.
• Copy & create underwriting packages for t raining classes as needed, Approve and fax vendor invoices to
corporate for payment
• Set up new associates with security keys and codes through National Security Company and de-activate
keys & codes for terminated employees
Mazon Associates - I rving, TX
M arch 02 - February 04
* Accounts Receivable Purchasing Agent
• Purchase large amounts of accounts receivable by assigned clients, Daily entry of purchased accounts
• Preparing documentation to receive confirmations, Process credit reports to determine credit limits,
E xtensive customer service, general clerical and office duties, and assist with other activit i es as needed