Puthu ma r r iamman kovil street,
Ponnamapet, Contact no: 944-***-****
Salem-636003. E-Ma il id:
m *************@*****.***
E ducation Details :
B SC (3 Rd Year D iscontinue-69.5%)
U p to 5 th semester-Senguntha r Arts Science College
D u ration-2002
H SC (58%)
Govt.School (Nammak kal Distr ict)
D u ration-2000
SSLC (59.5%)
Govt.School (Nammak kal Distr ict)
D u ration-1998
Experience :
2 Years worked in KPN-TRAVELS-Accountant-Salem.
6 M onths worked in Share Ma rket (Commodity) E rode.
11 Months worked in I NG VYSYA L I F E-ASM-Salem.
Academic field work :
H ome visit Recruitment.
S ano plastic awa reness different places in Salem.
Key skills:
T eam management.
A dviser Recruitment.
Sales Business Development.
Technical Skills:
Personal I nformation:
N ame : A.Sindhuja.
F athe r’s name : O.Arumugam.
D ate of bi rth : 02/06/1983.
N ationality : I ndian.
M a r ital status : M a r r ied.
D eclaration:
T he information is above is t rue of my knowledge.
Date: 12/09/2013.
Place: Salem. Yours T r uly,
A .Sindhuja.