Rendy Vernon phone: 909-***-**** email:
- Haz-mat certified - Transborder specialist - TSA Certified, STA number
- Consolidations - Air freight routing
- Problem solver - Line haul, and long haul
Summary: Over 22 years of experience in airfreight operations, I've been
certified to move dangerous good by air for the last 17 year (recertified every
2yrs), knowledge of all commercial air carriers and equipment configurations, and
flight schedules(oag), hubs.
Work History:
Transit Air cargo Santa Ana, CA 07/1999 to 04/2012
Operations Supervisor
1999 to 2010, Managed the domestic night operation, maintained a
knowledgeable and efficient staff, handled all haz-mat shipments, delegated
responsibilities, TSA back up contact, I have an STA number, assisted in the
routing of all freight picked up daily, built tradeshow consolidations use various
otr carriers.
2010 - 2012 assisted in the morning operations, handled all Trans border traffic
between USA and Canada, very experienced with trans border documentation,
and NAFTA requirements with border crossings.
Fritz Domestic / Fritz Co. Redondo beach, CA 02/1995 to 05/1999
Operations Manager
Supervised the operations, quoted airfreight shipments, assisted sales reps on
securing various type of domestic shipments, recruited and interview potential
staff members. Set SOPs, and special account handling.
Surf-Air Inglewood, CA. 09/1992 to
Night operations supervisor
Routed all shipments picked up from daily pick up commitments, and last minute
NFO, and overnight freight, supervised the dock crew in building full load
bookings, ULD for commercial air carriers
US Military:
US Army