Indianpaolis, IN
We are seeking a Remote Digital Marketing Consultant focused on Realtors, Real Estate Agents, Real Estate Brokerages and Real Estate Investors in the Indianapolis, IN area for our AI marketing platform. The ideal candidate would be a Realtor/ Real Estate agent in the Indianapolis, IN area. As a realtor, one can use our platform to market your own listings and business in the Indianapolis, IN area and increase your presence.
Our Artificial Intelligence (AI) digital marketing platform makes marketing easy. No special knowledge is necessary to use our system
as artificial intelligence does the work and easily generates leads, automatically creates unlimited websites and landing pages (for each property or promotion), and automatically creates email and text campaigns. In addition, it very affordable. Our renewal rate is nearly 100%, which provides a nice steady, ongoing residual income.
-With recent changes to the real estate market, digital marketing is paramount to the success of any real estate agent or business, particularly in the Indianapolis, IN area. Our AI marketing platform will catapult the success of every business.
*Acquire new clients in the Indianapolis IN metro area area who are looking to grow their business with online marketing
-Maintain account base while developing new accounts.
*Communicate to customers in Indianapolis, IN how specific types of marketing will help promote their real estate sales and presence.
*Cold call and hunt for new potential clients to offer our marketing services in the Indianapolis, IN area.
*Prepare and deliver sales presentations to new and existing customers om the Indianapolis, IN area
-Conduct research on customers to determine if there is a mutual fit for both parties.
* Market realtors in the Indianapolis, IN area
Please apply directly to this post with your resume.
Indianapolis, IN