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Data Entry Software Engineer

Tampa, FL, 33655
September 01, 2023

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Work History

Minail A

Senior Python Backend Engineer API And Database Specialist

Address Brooklyn Newyork

Phone 959-***-****


A dedicated Python Web Developer, I wield an extensive toolkit that spans from Django and Flask to intricate web technologies like WebSockets and GraphQL. My journey across the digital domain has seen me innovating at the intersection of web development and AI, designing intelligent solutions like athlete performance predictors and compliance dashboards. With a keen eye for detail, I've excelled in crafting user-centric designs that don't just look good but also function seamlessly, leading to significant improvements in user engagement and operational efficiency. This is showcased through projects like the Flask-driven networking platform with real-time interactions and a donor management platform that saw a surge in online donations. I don't just create; I ensure that my creations are fortified against the ever- evolving threats of the digital world. My expertise in cybersecurity protocols and data privacy measures ensures the safety of user information, a testament to my holistic approach to web development. Be it automating legal document processing, integrating blockchain solutions for traceability, or leveraging VR for event venue tours, I continuously push the boundaries of what's possible in web development. Join me as I continue to forge paths of innovation, marrying technology with everyday challenges to craft solutions for tomorrow.

Python, Django, Flask, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, AJAX, RESTful APIs, SQL, PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQLite, ORM (Object-Relational Mapping), Git, GitHub, WebSockets, Bootstrap, Frontend frameworks (e.g., React, Vue.js, Angular), Middleware, JWT (JSON Web Tokens), OOP (Object-Oriented Programming), MVC architecture, MVT architecture, Web security

(e.g., CSRF, XSS, SQL Injection), Web performance optimization, Unit testing, Docker, Containerization, Microservices, Nginx, Apache, AWS (e.g., EC2, S3, RDS), Heroku, Agile methodology, Scrum, Responsive design, GraphQL, Redux, Webpack, Node.js, Express.js, Session management, Cache mechanisms (e.g., Redis), Load balancing, GraphQL. 2021-07 -


Lead Python Developer

Emblem Technologies


Designed and implemented a Django-powered web portal to track athlete performance and fitness metrics.

Developed an intelligent friend-suggestion engine using scikit-learn and TensorFlow. Developed interactive visualization tools using JavaScript and D3.js for athlete data analysis.

Integrated machine learning models to predict athlete injury risks and provide workout recommendations.

Streamlined data collection from IoT devices like wearables and gym equipment. Optimized database queries, reducing server response time by 15%.. Spearheaded the development of a Flask-driven networking platform with real-time chat capabilities.

Implemented AJAX and WebSockets for instantaneous user interactions. Ensured secure data transactions and user privacy using advanced cybersecurity protocols.

Introduced GraphQL for more efficient data retrieval, reducing frontend data fetching times.

2019-04 -


Python Full Stack Developer

Engro Digital

Developed a Django-based compliance dashboard, visualizing real-time legal data. Automated legal document processing using Natural Language Processing. Introduced a blockchain solution to ensure document integrity and traceability. Implemented advanced data privacy measures in line with GDPR and CCPA guidelines. Reduced manual legal data entry tasks by 30% through automation. Built a responsive donor management platform using React and Flask. Developed data visualizations to display charity impact and utilization of funds. Implemented automated email campaigns using Celery for donor engagement. Increased online donations by 35% through an optimized user interface and experience. Enhanced data security, ensuring donor information protection. Enhanced search functionality with Elasticsearch, improving document retrieval speed. Integrated payment gateways for seamless donation transactions. 2018-02 -


Python Software Engineer


Led the design of cybersecurity protocols for clients across various industries. Designed a virtual tour feature for event venues leveraging Virtual Reality technology. Implemented advanced data analytics to provide insights into event engagement and feedback.

Automated threat detection systems using AI-driven pattern recognition. Implemented end-to-end encryption for client databases ensuring data privacy. Conducted regular security audits, consistently identifying and patching vulnerabilities. Developed a GDPR and CCPA compliant data management platform for clients. Bachelors of Science

City University Newyork

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