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Java Developer Front End

Ohio City, OH, 45874
August 14, 2023

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Full Stack Java Developer

EMAIL: Ph: 484-***-****


A goal oriented and highly motivated Full Stack Java Developer currently working on Java 8 and Spring boot 2 framework and testing frameworks like JUnit and Mockito, used automation engines like Maven and Gradle, written and utilizing RESTful API services and performance tuning applications, implemented DevOps practices and tooling like CD pipelines, Chef, Puppet or Ansible. Utilized JavaScript unit testing frameworks, HTML5 and CSS3.

Professional Summary:

Experience in Software Design, Development and Implementation of Enterprise applications in DevOps, Java, J2EE technologies with strong Object-Oriented Programming skills.

Strong front-end UI development skills using scripting languages like HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, AJAX, JSON, AngularJS, React, jQuery, Bootstrap Plug-ins.

Planned and built up various J2EE Model 2 MVC based Web Application utilizing J2EE Technologies, Patterns and well known open-source system Struts, Spring MVC, spring, JPA and Hibernate.

Involved with composing SQL questions, PL/SQL, Functions, Stored Procedures and Triggers in information bases like MySQL, MS SQL Server and Oracle and utilized NoSQL data sets like DynamoDB and MongoDB.

Experienced in developing RESTFUL web services using Spring Boot, Spring RESTFUL template, JPA, Cloud foundry.

Worked with Django Framework and java as a backend language and XML and HTML as front-end language with both relational and non-relational databases PostgreSQL, MongoDB on OS system Ubuntu/Linux

Created REST API's utilizing Spring MVC and Spring boot, facilitated all miniature administrations on AWS and utilized Elastic Beanstalk to arrangement application and designed conditions.



Full Stack Java Developer Sept 2021 - Present


Participated in a DevOps team using EC2 slaves and a Docker container running Jenkins in an Amazon AWS cloud architecture. Also gained familiarity with supporting technologies like Kubernetes.

The project was deployed on WebSphere Application Server using Maven as a build automation tool, and continuous integration was carried out using Jenkins. used Web services (SOAP) to transmit massive XML/JSON block transmissions.

Created a Virtual Data Lake without using an ETL process by querying a big quantity of data stored on S3 using AWS Redshift, S3, Spectrum, and Athena services.

Associated DevOps tools help manage the DevOps toolchain, enable CI/CD, and automate various cycles, like as testing for speed.

Worked on Node JS Application with Express Framework, familiar with Node Package Manager (NPM), EJS Templating Engine, Bower and Gulp. Used version control tool Git and its features such as check-in, check-out, merging and branching with a GUI.

Worked on CI/CD to unifying process and automation, it helps to act as a bridge between Development and Operations team to make the process more reliable and adaptive.

Used MySQL Cluster that enables users to blend the best of both relational and NoSQL technologies into solutions that reduce cost, risk and complexity.

Utilized Spring Data Framework to utilize the highlights of Spring JDBC and Spring ORM classes like JDBC Template and Hibernate Template to play out the data set tasks by interfacing with Data sources accessible.

Responsible for designing and developing Restful API and services using best practices to interact within the microservices and with the front end. Using spring MVC and spring rest. Deployed entire code in the WebSphere application server while maintaining business standards.

Triggered the automation jobs using Jenkins to get the cucumber JSON reports Implement application level persistence using DynamoDB and Spring Boot.

Deployed frontend application utilizing AWS S3 and designed CORS to devour RESTful administrations from another space. Construct various REST API microservices for Java Spring Boot, DynamoDB, Java 8 highlights, AWS Elastic Cache, Swagger, Multi-stringing and Collections API.

Executed REST Microservices utilizing spring boot. Created Metrics with strategy level granularity and Persistence utilizing Spring AOP and Spring Actuator.

NextEra Analytics

Java Developer July 2018 - July 2020


Worked on SOAP, message queue, and REST web frameworks such as Spring MVC 4, Spring REST Template, RabbitMQ AMQP server, and Spring Integration.

Assembled, tested, and deployed using Kubernetes and Docker in the CI/CD framework's runtime environment. worked on the Docker open source project by automating the organization of programming workspaces.

Developed and implemented a NoSQL/Cassandra-based distributed data design that is highly scalable and dependable. GIT was used to maintain the project's source code version.

Developed an application using Amazon Web Services' Simple Storage Service (S3), Simple Queue Service (SQS), and Elastic Cloud Compute (EC2). Worked on Angular 8 for Differential loading, Dynamic imports for lazy routes, web workers and Angular Ivy as an opt-in support.

Worked to produce SOAP web services like WSDL, XML, XSD, JAXB using Apache CXF in Service Oriented Architecture (SOA). Also worked in consuming the SOAP web services.

Worked on toolset which is Angular Js for building the framework most suited to your application development. It is fully extensible and works well with other libraries.

Build scripts using Ant and Maven build tools in Jenkins and Sonar to move from one environment to other environments. Managed Maven project dependencies by creating parent-child relationships between projects.

Implemented java-backed JavaScript action, BPM workflow, user interface, business rules in project.

Used Core Java Collections, Exception Handling, Multi-Threading, Serialization and Java 8 features like Lambda expressions, Stream API, Bulk data operations on Collections which would increase the performance of the Application, facilitate pipeline processing and method references. It consequently and accurately distributes figure execution force and runs your code dependent on the approaching solicitation or occasion, for any size of traffic.

Developed web applications using Spring MVC, JQuery, HTML, Bootstrap and worked on Multithreading and Collections Framework including List, Map etc. Added interactivity to the UI pages using JavaScript.

Utilized NodeJS for building web applications with customer worker engineering, where both can start correspondence in two-way associations and permit them to trade information.

Made information model and produced Hibernate mappings and space objects utilizing Hibernate tools. Interfaced with the My SQL back-end data set by coordinating Spring with Hibernate.

Optum Health

Software Developer Jan 2016-July 2018


Associated with several phases of the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC), such as requirement collection, demonstrating, investigation, engineering plan, and advancement, and collaborated with the business team to assess the requirements.

Used JavaScript libraries: jQuery, Backbone.js, Ember.js Require.js, Node.js to develop Web pages. Designed and implemented a scalable, RESTful, and microservices-based, mobile back-end.

Employed various Core and J2EE design patterns including Factory, DAO, Command, Business Delegate, MVC, Service Locator, extracted data from RDBMS into a Cassandra cluster using Sqoop.

Using Elasticsearch and Docker to analyze Web application logs. created SQL queries to produce reports for users and business owners.

Deployed different cycles in the code marking interaction of framework segments to guarantee responsibility of all product parts. Utilized Eclipse as IDE to build up the application and kept the standard highlights for troubleshooting and running.

Chipped away at a group carrying out a customer based designing parts the board framework written in C and Java which incorporated space station schematics with an Oracle information base. Made JavaScript functions for customer side approvals and made CSS for look and feel of use and furthermore associated with back end approval.

Worked on Reacts, which is only concerned with state management and rendering that state to the DOM that is cross-platform and language-independent interface that treats an XML or HTML document as a tree structure wherein each node is an object representing a part of the document.

Broadly dealt with java Multi-stringing programming, Synchronization, Java Mail API and Collections API for simultaneous item models transfer/download measure.

Developed Enterprise RESTFUL Web services for generation and consumption of service using Jersey and Axis Frameworks using Eclipse/NetBeans.

Developed front-end systems using MVC frameworks including Backbone JS, React JS, and Node JS, as well as JavaScript, Bootstrap, HTML5, and CSS3.

Focused on containerization and immutable infrastructure. Docker has been coring to this experience, along with Kubernetes. Implemented AWS (EC2, RDS, SNS, SQS, S3 and lambda) to move customer care application in to Cloud environment.

Associated with gatherings to assemble data and necessities from the customers and setting up the Requirement Document. Created web GUI parts utilizing Spring MVC Framework.

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