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Site Reliability Management Specialist

Hsinchu, Taiwan
June 13, 2023

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Sohail Anjum(安頌海)


Cell# +886*********




DevOps (OPS) Engineer/ SRE Engineer/ Software Engineer in Test/ Computer Scientist /K8s & Docker Expert

Hsinchu, Taiwan

Applied For: Experienced and versatile Cloud and DevOps professional with expertise in AIOT, IoT, ML, CICD, and Cloud Architecture, seeking roles as an AWS/Kubernetes Platform Engineer, DevOps

(Ops) Engineer, Cloud Management Specialist, Site Reliability Engineer, Software Testing and Validation SQA, or Cloud Architect.


- Proficient in AWS/AIOT/CICD/NFVI/DevOps/SRE/Testing & Validation/K8s/Linux and Docker with a practical experience of 4-5 years..

- An Expert in Googling. Troubleshooting, Problem Solving, Useful Data Extraction etc Possessing expertise in effectively utilizing Google search engine to locate relevant information, adept at troubleshooting and resolving complex issues, skilled at identifying and implementing effective solutions to problems, and proficient in extracting useful data from various sources.

- Experienced in collaborating with cross-functional teams, including developers, QA, and project managers to ensure timely delivery of projects.

- Strong problem-solving and troubleshooting skills, with experience in resolving complex issues and incidents.

- Researcher at Fog Computing Alliance and Research Center, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University. Expertise in managing Microservices-based software architecture on Fog/Edge nodes using Orchestration Tools like K8s. Conducted 5G testbed and developed and tested 5G use cases and applications.

- A highly motivated and self-driven individual with a deep passion for pursuing a career in Computer Science, with a particular focus on SRE AIOT CI/CD and both on-premises and cloud-based technologies.

Professional Experiences:

1. Senior Software Engineer (DevOps) (September 2022 - Present)

- XSquare Communications (Unizyx Group) Hsinchu, Taiwan 2. Senior Software Developer in Testing and Validation (DevOps) (Dec 2020 - March 2022)

- Aewin Technologies Co., New Taipei, Taiwan

3. Research Assistant (DevOps) in Fog Computing Alliance NCTU, Taiwan (Sep 2019-June 2020)

- National Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu, Taiwan

4. Database (SQL Server) Administrator (Feb 2016- Feb 2017)

- Bays International, Lahore, Pakistan

5. Teaching Assistant (Sep 2014- June 2015)

- COMSATS University of Science and Technology, Islamabad (Sahiwal Campus), Pakistan Education:

1. MS Computer Science (Sep 2017- June 2019)

- EECS Int’l Graduate Program, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu, Taiwan

- 84/100 Percent

2. BS Computer Science (Feb 2012 – Jan 2016)

- COMSATS University of Science and Technology Islamabad (Sahiwal Campus), Pakistan

- 74/100 Percent

Technical Skills:

Programming Languages : Python, YAML, HTML, CSS

Frameworks and IDE’s : Microsoft Visual Studio, VSCode Databases : Maria DB, Kafka, MS SQL Server, MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL Operating Systems : Windows, Linux (Ubuntu, Red hat, CentOS) Hypervisors : Virtual box, KVM, Xen, VMware

Other Technologies/Tools : AWS, CloudFormation, Jenkins,Gitlab, Ansible, CI/CD pipeline, Kubernetes,Docker, Docker-Compose, GIT, HackMD, Microservices Postman, Docker Compose, Kubeflow, Kustomise, QAT, nDPI, TRex, DPDK, GitHub, docker-hub, Wireshark, Scripting, AWS EKS, VPC, Terraform (IaaC), Bash Shell Scripting.


1. AIOT Cloud Infrastructure Architecture and Deployment for ML/DL (OnGoing) Tools: AWS,Shell Scripting, Docker, Gitlab, CICD, AWS S3, IOT Greengrass, SageMaker Project description: Our focus is on cloud architecture for MLOPS, providing a platform to deploy AIOT applications where customers can easily train and transform data models using various AI modules. Our current 5G AIOT projects include Smart Parking and Object Detection. As the lead cloud infrastructure designer and implementer, my primary goal is to create a more reliable and cost-effective infrastructure that meets the project's requirements. 2. AWS Gitlab CICD Server for Firmware Building (OnGoing) Tools: AWS,Shell Scripting, Docker, Gitlab, CICD, AWS S3 Project description:Previously, we utilized on-prem infrastructure to develop, build, and deploy our firmware. However, we faced resource-intensive and complex management challenges from a security and networking perspective. To address these issues, we decided to shift our on-prem firmware build server to AWS. Our project revolves around a shared Gitlab repo for developers, where we use Gitlab CICD to build the code on an AWS Instance via Gitlab-runner. We then deploy the firmware build output file on AWS S3 for testing and use. This migration to AWS has streamlined our development process and enabled us to more effectively manage resources, security, and networking aspects.

3. Managing the AWS, Redmine, Next Cloud, Gitlab, Jira, Confluence, Slack (OnGoing) Tools: AWS, NextCloud, Jira, Gitlab, Confluence, Redmine Project description: As a member of the IT team, my role encompasses R&D and development tasks, as well as administration of various tools and software used within the organization, including AWS, Redmine, Next Cloud, Gitlab, Jira, Confluence, and Slack. I am responsible for addressing and resolving any queries related to these tools and software from other employees. One of my primary objectives is to optimize costs and minimize expenses. 4. Website Domain and Hosting Shifting from Godaddy to AWS Tools: AWS,Godaddy, PHP, Route53, AWS Certificate Manager, AWS Load Balancer. Project description: Previously, we utilized Godaddy domain and hosting for our website. One of our primary projects involved migrating the entire website from Godaddy to AWS without any downtime. To accomplish this, we made the decision to transfer the website domain and hosting from Godaddy to an AWS Instance. As part of this project, I successfully executed the transfer, allowing us to take advantage of the benefits of AWS hosting.

5. NGC Containers/workload scheduling with Multiple GPU single node, multi-mode, multi node with cloud.

Tools: AWS EC2, Kubernetes, Kustomise, Docker, Docker-Compose, Linux, YAML, KVM, Red Hat Project description: Our project is focused on Docker container scheduling, with a particular emphasis on maximizing performance on a single node with GPU resources. We aim to optimize load scheduling across additional nodes with GPU resources as we scale up. Our future plans include integrating AWS EC2 instances and load balancing between on-prem and AWS in the event that local resources are insufficient..

6. Intel Forwarding Platform Testing and Validation. Tools: RedHat, Docker, NFVI Forwarding Testing Kit Project description: Our project centers around performance testing for the NFVI Forwarding Platform testing kit provided by Intel. Specifically, we are focused on hardware testing utilizing the NFVI FP Kit to meet the performance benchmarks defined by Intel on our hardware. This project is critical to ensuring that our hardware meets Intel's rigorous standards for NFVI FP testing, and we are committed to delivering reliable and high-performing solutions. 7. NVIDIA RTX-3070/3080 & A30 benchmark test with tensorrt. Tools: Ubuntu, Docker, NVIDIA GPU drivers CUDA, Python3 Project description: Our project revolves around deploying and running tensorrt:20.11-py3 & tensorflow:20.11-tf2-py3 containers on various NVIDIA GPU cards. We are focused on validating performance benchmarks across different load levels and time intervals. Our goal is to optimize the performance of these containers on different GPU cards and ensure that they meet the required performance benchmarks. Through this project, we are committed to delivering reliable and high-performing solutions to meet the needs of our clients. 8. NFVI System Performance Validation

Tools: Linux, NFVI Kit

Project description: Our project is focused on hardware performance testing for the NFVI kit provided by Intel. Our main objective is to ensure that our hardware meets Intel's rigorous standards for NFVI testing, as defined by their testing benchmarks. Through rigorous hardware testing utilizing the NFVI kit, we aim to deliver reliable and high-performing solutions that meet the needs of our clients.

9. DPDK IPsec Project (AES vs QAT)

Tools: Linux, DPDK

Project description:Our project involves conducting a detailed review of DPDK and running the Cryptodev IPsec for QAT. We will test the AES vs QAT on our hardware to validate the performance and ensure that our solutions meet the needs of our clients. Our primary goal is to deliver high-performing solutions utilizing DPDK and Cryptodev IPsec for QAT that meet or exceed the required performance benchmarks.

10. Thesis Project Title: Container Orchestration in Fog Computing using K8s. Tools: Kubernetes, Docker, Docker-Compose, Linux, YAML Project Description: This project is focused on learning the principles of Docker and containerization of microservices. Our goal is to orchestrate the microservices using Kubernetes orchestrator. We utilized sample microservices from the internet and evaluated the system environment to ensure that our solutions meet the needs of our clients. Our system was based on a virtual box hypervisor with a Linux operating system. Through this project, we aim to deliver reliable and high-performing solutions that are scalable and efficient, utilizing the latest containerization technologies. 11. 5G Network Function Virtualization

Tools: Docker, Docker-compose, YAML

Project Description:In this project, I created Docker files for each 5G Network Function. These Docker files were designed to run 5G network functions using the Docker-Compose tool. By using this tool, we were able to run all the containers simultaneously, streamlining the deployment process and increasing efficiency. Through this project, we aimed to deliver a high-performing and reliable 5G network function solution that meets the needs of our clients.. 12 .Intelligent Skin care System:

Tools: Docker, Docker-compose, YAML,

Project description: I worked on an AI-based intelligent skin care system that analyzes skin conditions and recommends appropriate food and cosmetic products. The system includes a device that senses skin conditions and collects real-time data, which is processed by an AI algorithm to generate personalized recommendations. I collaborated on the creation and deployment of microservices, and orchestrated them using Kubernetes (k8s) to ensure smooth and efficient functioning of the system. 13. Protocol Detection and Filtering Using Wireshark to make PCAP file: Tools: Wireshark, Linux

Project description: This project focuses on creating PCAP files for testing on our nProbe Cento DPI setup by capturing packets and filtering protocols. It is a sub-project of the Smart NIC Card Project. The project involved using Wireshark to create two PCAP files, one for BitTorrent and another for Skype Protocol.

14. Provision a highly available Jenkins cluster on Kubernetes: Tools: Linux, KVM, Docker, Kubernetes, Jenkins

Project description: This project involved provisioning a highly available Jenkins cluster on Kubernetes in an on-premises environment. To achieve this, I utilized KVM as a hypervisor and Linux Ubuntu 18.04 as the operating system for the VMs. I began by setting up the Kubernetes cluster using Kubeadm, followed by creating a persistent volume and claim for the Jenkins cluster. Finally, I configured the Jenkins server to run on Kubernetes using the persistent volume that was created. 15. Jenkins Pipeline:

Tools: Linux, Jenkins, Git

Project description: This project was assigned to me by my supervisor for training and education purposes. I created a demo Jenkins pipeline file and after completing the project, I presented and demonstrated it to the software team. The main objective was to showcase how Jenkins pipeline works and its benefits for our software development process.. 16. Terraform EKS Cluster AWS:

Tools: Windows, Terraform, EKS, VPC, AWS

Project description: This project involved the creation of a highly available infrastructure for container-based applications on Amazon Web Services (AWS) using Infrastructure as Code (IaC) principles with Terraform. The main objective was to build an EKS cluster that could run applications seamlessly. The infrastructure was designed using one region and two availability zones, with an EKS load balancer. The Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) was composed of four subnets, with two public and two private subnets distributed between the two availability zones. The project aimed to ensure high availability and efficient deployment of applications on AWS using the latest infrastructure building techniques.

17. Yolo v3 and Yolo v4 Testing on Xplorer X1600P-Q PCIe Accelerator: Tools: Linux, Blaize, Yolo

Project description: This project involves testing the performance and compatibility of Yolo v3 and v4 in real-time using the Blaize Xplorer X1600P-Q PCIe Accelerator (GPU). The accelerator is utilized on an edge server to evaluate its performance. Our findings indicate that Yolo v3 works well with Blaize on our edge server.

18. Linux Server Hardening:

Tools: Linux Server

Project description: Linux hardening project involves implementing security measures to secure a Linux system from various types of cyber attacks. This includes performing vulnerability assessments, configuring firewall rules, setting up user access controls, and enabling encryption protocols. The project aims to improve the system's security posture, reduce the risk of data breaches and unauthorized access, and ensure compliance with regulatory requirements. Certifications:

- Beginner ASP.NET (July 2014- Oct 2014)


- English (Professional Speaker)

- Urdu, Hindi, Punjabi (Native)

- Chinese (Very Basic User)

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