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Senior PHP Developer

Yerevan, Armenia
January 18, 2022

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** ******* ***; apt. **; Yerevan

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Michael Dallakyan




Positions of a PHP Developer/ Team lead and where the below mentioned skills can be applied.

2005 – 2013

State Engineering University of Armenia Faculty of Mining and Metallurgy Correspondence Courses

09.2020 – present

Nexgeon GmbH

Position: Senior Software Engineer

10.2017 – 09.2020

BetConstruct (SoftConstruct)

Position: Full Stack Developer

10.2016 – 10.2017


Position: Team lead & web applications developer

02.2015 – 10.2016

Vertigo Inc.

Position: Project manager and Team lead (creating web based applications) 06.2013 – 02.2015

Best Soft CJSC

Position: Developer for web based applications and CRM 11.2012 – 06.2013

Iguan Systems

Position: Web Developer (shop websites, blogs, etc) 07.2012– 11.2012

ADC Company

Position: Junior Developer

2006 – 2007

Participation in Web projects and freelancing

Language Skills English - good at technical and conversational level Russian - fluent

Armenian - native

Computer Skills

Languages/Databases: PHP (OOP) JavaScript (Ajax, jQuery, Json, OOP, DOM scripting, Angular 1, Ember.js), XML, XUL (Mozilla platform applications and FireFox plugins), DHTML, HTML (4,5), CSS (2,3), MySQL,Oracle, Doctrine ORM, MVC

Framework/CMS: Codeigniter, Laravel, Slim, Magento, Wordpress, 1C Bitrix, Own framework Software: Adobe (Photoshop), Corel ( Photo-Paint)

Operating Systems: MS Windows Server 2000, 2003, Linux (Ubuntu) Office Suite: MS Office (Word, Excel (Formulas), PowerPoint) API’s: Paypal, Stripe(visa/master card), Facebook Marketing, Twitter, Twilio Personal data Date of birth: 01.04.1989

Nationality: Armenian

Status: Single

Service in the Army: 2007-2009

Projects where I participated

1. FMIS - Forest management information system

This is new project and in under construction and discussion. Project has map which created with data in oracle and used geoserver to showing like map this data, in map has forests Armenia with different shapes, layers, groups, etc. Project based on web application and here will possibility to look on burning forests, tree Planting, landshaft of forests and other many functionality which now in discusses how the project will develop

2. ARPIS - Armenia Real Estate Information System consists of 3 parts : 1) A centralized system that integrates all the modules contains all the data and all the information about the property, including:

- Property Details

- The rights of property and technical information on the property (size, location, address, number of floors, etc.)

- Maps of the inventory,

- Digitized documents ( electronic archive inventory Affairs ) and the statements of citizens and also includes geographic information / card, i.e.

- Topographic maps

- Orthophotography,

- Satellite imagery .

2) Division of the inventory service of citizens responding to their statements and the official inquiries and carry out update online.

3) Using the Internet (web portals), legal and PHY entity may request publicly available information about the property and apply without visiting the offices of the inventory. The system is installed and operates in the Information Center of the State Committee of the Republic of Armenia Estate

3. Automatic document flow system BestDoc allows to

-add and edit documents, attaching electronic verson or original documents

-add and edit outgoing documents

-create and assign tasks to executors

-view documents received by current and subordinate users

-view tasks received by current and subordinate users

-view miscellaneous reports about status of document/task execution

-input draft versions of decisions and orders

-approve inputed draft versions, giving them status of decison or order

-assign different privilegs for the system users and/or restrict access to different

-system parts

-view reports of task executors

-input document reply

-add, edit, delete values of classifiers

-get different reports to increase executive productivy and organization of the users All application data is stored in a single database on a simple web server. In order to use application, user should install clent module of BestDoc software. System is deployed as an extension for the Mozilla firefox browser and works on a almost all platforms. System has been installed at Respublic of Armenia President's house, in municipality of Yerevan city, and in a number of armenian companies like Imex Group,Megafood,etc. 4. Paqqy peer-to-peer delivery platform

This is online platform where different users can deliver some packages for each other, user must register to site via facebook,twitter or by manually, after registration user can create package with package type,pics,description, price which he will pay to delivery man etc., after creating a package it will be shown on map, then some other user can look at that package and have possibility to be candidate to deliver that package, after it package owner choose somebody from candidates relying on feedback and rating and start delivery process with different steps. On step 1 from package owner will frozen money which he must pay to delivery man at the end of delivery and when package delivered and each user confirms, frozen money go to delivery man . Except Packages user can create route, for example somebody will traveling to Spain and he will creates route, after it that route will added on

map and other user will have possibility create package which will related with that route, so Route owner can delivery different packages and he will choose which packages he will deliver.

- Google map integration

- Paypal integration

- Visa/Master integration

- Add money to balance and cashout money from balance

- Payment History

- Facebook, Twitter integration

- Users messages functionality

- Create Packages(view,edit,delete)

- Create Rout(view,edit,delete)

- Feedbacks for users and ratings

- Notifications

- Blog

Project now under construction and running on beta version but already have users, all application data is stored in a single database mysql database and programming language was php.

5. Platform where users can sell,buy or rent cars With users can sell,buy or rent, also apply for a car loan. In platform exists two types of users,dealers which will be platform partners and all other users. Users or dealers who created some announcement have possibility to set some privileges for announcment like different types of advertising. Top and quick sale advertisings have difficult logic and despite the number of advertising cars each car is uniformly appear in advertising blocks. 6. Adzwedo platform for marketing campaign

This is worldwide project which we do like outsource. Project we start develop with two developers from scratch after 1 year in our team come new persons. Project works with facebook marketing api and give alternative way to use facebook adverstment campaign for marketing companyes and individual persons. With Adzwedo we can look all campaigns and ads from facebook change statuses, add,edit,delete,create new different adverstment campaigns and this all will be syncronized with facebook after some changes in facebook will be same changes. Adzwedo can attach more one facebook account to Adzwedo user wich impossible do in facebook, project have own created rules functional which give possiblity to automatization campaigns budget and have split functionality which give possiblity to check which ads work better with which parameters and give more result or revenue. Adzwedo have very big statistic data which give many different information about runned adversting campaigns and give big data like cpc,cps,ctr,reach,impression,revenue and many many other data. project already have real users like individual persons and adversting companies. I can write very many rows description of this big project but better if you will look at project yourself

7. Spring Builder (Ucraft)

We developed online casino builder like site builders (ucraft,wix etc.) . In this project exists sportsbook, casino games, live casino games with video streaming etc. Used technologies Ember.js, PHP 7 with laravel framework and MySQL. In this project I did different modules and the biggest module and functionality which I developed is Casino games module. I did in this project like frontend task also the biggest my work is in backend tasks. You can know more information about this project from this link 8. Fast Shift

Fast Shift is a payment platform where included different users with different roles like Betconstruct betting platform users, also other users who can use this platform for own things like shop sites etc. Platform have different sides of project like API project, Merchant project etc. and all that project related each other with API calls .I joined for this platform development from scratch we create this platform with follow tecnologies ` PHP 7 Slim framework, MariaDB with Doctrine ORM, Angular 1. In this project I developed like frontend also backend tasks. You can get more information about this project with follow link` 9. NexgeonTools

I responsible for creating a website builder with different components for affiliate businesses and shops, also working on a CRM system that connects big data collection of statistics, products and different websites relations.

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