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Idelson Fernandes - Senior Android Developer

United Kingdom
June 23, 2020

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Experienced developer with 5 years’ experience

Experienced Business to Consumer mobile developer

Implementation of RESTful data consumption using Retrofit, RxJava, Coroutines with an OkHttp client, GSON, Moshi and Jackson converters

Experienced in quality code metrics and use of quality guidelines to produce high quality code that is sound, consistent and sustainable

Experienced quality reviewer, coordinating code walk-throughs

Experienced troubleshooter accustomed to leading design, development and implementation of complex systems

Knowledgeable of Google Material Design guidelines in UI implementation including animations, navigation, widgets, icons and style for optimal user experience

Experienced consuming REST and SOAP services to update application with new data.

Implementation of Android mobile apps using MVC, MVP, MVVM, and various design patterns such as Abstract Factory, Builder, Façade, Command, Observer, Visitor, Proxy, Singleton, etc.

Experience developing networking and secure applications for Android; working with video, static content, and advertising

Analysis of complicated architectures and layouts and translating that analysis into efficient technical strategies and code

UI implementation following the latest Material Design guidelines, animations and UX optimization, Fragments, Layouts, Animations, Compound and Custom Views and RecyclerView

Use of Automated Testing and Unit Testing: Robotium, Espresso, JUnit, Mockito and simulated design patterns to test and develop applications

Experience With Git and Github a for version control along with Jenkins and BitRise for Continuous Integration, applied within Test-Driven Development (TDD) practices



Material Design, Agile/Scrum, Test Driven Development (TDD)

Issue Tracking

JIRA, Jenkins, Atlassian Suite

Design Patterns

MVC, MVP, MVVM, Singleton, Dependency Injection, Data Binding, View Holder, Builder, Adapter


Mockito, Mock K, Junit, Espresso, Robolectric

Web Services


Retrofit, Volley, RxJava, AsyncTask, RxKotlin


MS Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Paint),


Maven, Gradle

Dependency Injection

Dagger 1, Dagger 2, Butter Knife, RoboGuice, IcePick, Koin

Version Control

Git, SVN, GitHub, SourceTree, Tower, BitBucket

Programming Languages

Java, Kotlin, Php, JavaScript, MySQL


Android Studio, Eclipse, Visual Studio, Visual Studio Code, Netbeans, Notepad++

Change Management

Git/GitHub, SVN, Jenkins, Travis CI, BitBucket

Operating Systems

Android, Unix/Linux, Mac OS, Windows, IOS


Facebook, Twitter, Google Maps, RESTful, Volley, Picasso, Glide, YouTube, Retrofit, ButterKnife

Data Management

SQLite, Firebase, MongoDB

NFC (Near field communication)


Room, ViewModels, LiveData, Download Manager, WorkManager, Slices, Paging

Data Binding

Android Data Binding, View Binding

UI Creation

Custom android views classes and components, Android adapter views like Listview, Recyclerview, Gridview and Gallery, Customized List views, Gallery widgets

Android Libraries, Frameworks and APIs

Jersey Library, Google Maps API, Google Places, RecyclerView Animator, Location Services, FloatingActionButton, Google Cloud Messaging, Schematic, Bluetooth Low Energy, NineOldAndroids, JobScheduler, Push Notifications, Google Play Services, Firebase


TUI UK Limited September 2019-Present

Senior Android Developer Luton, Bedfordshire

Feature implementation:

Check in online and download boarding pass direct to your phone

Holiday weather forecast

Detailed flight and hotel information

Bugs related to Flight extras, like baggage upgrades and seat selection


Used MVVM architecture along with Android JetPack’s LiveData and ViewModel to simplify data updates across the lifecycle and configuration changes for the UI

Manage long-running tasks, make safe network calls and disk operations off the main thread asynchronously using Kotlin Coroutines

Pair-program to include Intercom SDK’s chatbots and live chat feature and send targeted messages to onboard and activate customers

Integrate AWS Mobile Hub User Sign-in feature to access the AWS services, validate user identities from multiple identity providers and barrier to protected folders for unauthenticated users

Improve payment user-story using PayPal SDK and to buy coupons with both card payments and online mechanism

Wrote unit test cases with jUnit and Mockito, testing different states of methods

Create a Widget on home screen to show the latest weather alert for chosen holiday location

Utilize Firebase Real-Life Database in order to remotely store information from the Room Database enabling users to maintain their information when changing devices

Utilised Dagger for injection of dependencies such as Network Module

Work closely with the back-end API team to fix the structure of old JSON messages and serializing JSON to back-end server

Eventim UK Ltd March 2018-August 2019

Mid-Level Android Developer London

Feature implementation:

Manage your MyEventim account

Choose your seats with our interactive seat map

Buy tickets

Share events with your friends on social media


Develop new product flavors in Android SDK (Android 5.1 - 8.1) in Android Studio, coding in Kotlin, using the latest version of Android Studio

Code app using Android Jetpack’s data binding in MVVM architecture, and custom attributes to format and process data contained in model resources

Improve app compatibility on Android N, notification channels and background processing limits using Workmanager

Use RxJava for reactive programming with operators to transform, combine, manipulate, and work with the sequences of items emitted by Observables with schedulers

Convert all of the Relative/Linear layouts to Constraint Layout so we can flatten the view structure and improve performance

Tested the Viewmodels using jUnit and Mock k’s ability to mock the default Kotlin final classes

Include Android RecyclerView adding Search Filter with material design UI for simple, multi check and single check

Create Custom Views and animations as per iOS app prototype, implemented Android components to specifications

Collaborate with the web application development team to ensure proper integration between mobile application and web application


HaCon Ingenieurges. mbH May 2017-February 2018

Remote Android Developer (London) Hannover, Germany

Feature implementation:

Enable you to buy tickets on mobile phone

Live Map to show a map of user route with the buses actually moving along the route

Trip planner feature to plan how to get from A to B. It can detect where you are and plan from there

Bus Times to display the time of the next busses buses from that bus stop


Code on MVP architecture along with design patterns for specific modules such as Builder, Facade and Singleton

Implement Google Maps Android API v2 to integrate interactive, feature-rich Google maps

Implement a reactive dynamic widget that show the different status of the dasher and updated directions accordingly

Handle the meeting with developers in different locations to be able to agree in one solution and implement this solution

Use Retrofit library with Rxjava for asynchronous requests to the server, and GSON to retrieve information from an internally programmed API and make the conversion between the JSON and POJOs.

Followed a TDD approach to testing Junit and Mockito

Implement part of foundation classes, and basic UI framework; first use sliding menu, then switched to tab+viewpager

Provide migration from RxJava1.0 to RxJava 2.0 using Flowable, Disposable, Schedulers, Bi-functions, operators and other functions

Upgrade to Google Play services SDK to access to range of APIs for building ads, collecting analytics, authenticating users and integrating maps April 2016-April 2017

Android Developer Wimbledon, London

Feature implementation:

Advance search mechanism

Login component with custom login and Facebook

Chat feature and UI screen


Introduced separation of concerns to the codebase by using MVP architecture

Perform proficient implementation of list views, adapters, services, receivers, background tasks, fragments and complex UI layouts

Build local SQLite database for the effective synchronization of the backend server database

Build a tabbed user interface (UI) component that uses abstract classes with version-specific implementations to provide backward-compatibility and create an abstraction layer for the new tab APIs as the first step toward building the tab component

Develop custom content providers and implemented access to build in content providers like Contacts, Media resources, Device System information and File System API

Developed custom and compound views for elegant user-interface designs and fit the requirements like Calendar, map-markers, customized listviews and user navigation views

Update various UI components, such as adding ViewPagerIndicator widgets to existing ViewPager objects and improving custom progress indicators

Create Dagger components, scores, modules and subcomponents to inject the needed dependencies into different app fragments, services, presenter and test cases

Include Google In-App Purchasing API to offer for purchase digital content and subscriptions.

Replace bitmaps implementation code with Glide image loading library for animated GIF support and handle image loading/caching

Class Professional Publishing January 2015-March 2016

Android Developer Somerset

Feature implementation:

Bookmark important guidelines and drugs

Update Terms and conditions screen, Policy UI screen

Bug fix Important algorithms, diagrams and tables

Functionality to filter drug dosages by age, condition and administration route


Engineer the application using the latest Android SDK, Google Maps API’s and advanced UX and UI design architecture

Implement asynchronous services to update local storage and notify updates in the UI (ThreadpoolExecutors, IntentServices, SyncAdapters, Loaders)

Develop functionality between user’s interaction and delegating it back to server using RESTful web services, JSON and XML parsing using Volley library

Involve in unit testing using JUnit, system testing and creation of various test scripts

Use screen grouping techniques and more sophisticated navigation elements to present content in a more intuitive and device-sensitive way, such as providing multi-pane layouts for TABLET devices

Widget implementation of the app for providing custom vital information

Design and built custom views and libraries for efficient user interface and customer requirements

Add Push Notification frameworks using GCM for transmitting information to the registered users

Implement full social network integration with Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube SDKs

Implement the best practices for Android mobile development with their main components: Activities, Services, Content Providers and Broadcast Receivers

Create multi-language support using XML for simple menus and web services

Download and cache remote images in a memory efficient manner using Fresco Facebook library


Bachelor's in Computer Science and Information Engineering

Tamkang University,

Taiwan (Republic of China)

Main modules: Programming, Data Structures, Algorithms, Mathematics,

Computer Networks, Operating Systems, Databases and Compilers

Idelson Fernandes Android Developer

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