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Spring Boot Team Member

Manhattan, NY
$ 90,000
May 16, 2024

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Himani Parikh

Wayne, NJ +1-551-***-**** EDUCATION

New York Ins,tute of Technology, Manha9an, NY M.S. in Computer Science (GPA: 3.77/4) Aug 2022-May 2024 Gujarat Technological University, Gujarat, India B.Tech. in Computer Engineering (GPA: 3.3/4) Aug 2015-May 2019 WORK EXPERIENCE

Graduate Teaching Assistant Manha9an, NY Aug 2022-Present New York Ins,tute of Technology

• Collaborated with the professor and fellow TAs to op,mize course opera,ons (Java, DSA), resul,ng in a 20% increase in overall student sa,sfac,on.

• Contributed to a 25% improvement in assignment comple,on rates by providing hands-on support to students through code review and bug-fixing. So3ware Engineer Vadodara, India Jan 2019-Dec 2020 Sunflower Lab

ZinniaX-IONM (Java, Spring boot, Spring Security, Angular, MySQL, Gradle, Swagger, Jenkins, AWS, S3, EC2)

• Key team member advancing the company's SaaS healthcare product, ensuring daily delivery of cri,cal project deliverables.

• Involved in all the steps of the socware development life cycle like coding, tes,ng, and debugging, and deploying the applica,ons using Jenkins and AWS in produc,on.

• Reduced the cost involved in genera,ng the applica,on’s various reports, invoices, email templates, and CMS 1500-Health insurance claim form by more than 50% by devising an automated system using Spring boot, Thymeleaf, Itext, Jasper Report, and Angular.

• Solely executed the implementa,on of,me zone-related challenges throughout the en,re applica,on, both on the front end and back end.

• Mentored new interns in demonstra,ng the whole project workflow, an efficient coding technique, with new technologies/ideas. Ahoy! ON-CALL (Java, Spring boot, Spring Security, Angular, MySQL, Gradle, Swagger, Jenkins, AWS, S3, EC2)

• Elevated project success by implemen,ng Angular for efficient data retrieval, op,mizing performance through JSON-based RESTful services, and contribu,ng significantly to the success of a pivotal healthcare socware ini,a,ve.

• Increased applica,on performance by op,mizing database complex queries and code refactoring using SonarQube.

• Formulated unit test cases for JavaScript codebase and Angular components using JEST and Enzyme and increased the test coverage by 22%.

• Engaged directly with the clients and developed the applica,on incrementally based on their feedback. So3ware Engineer Intern Vadodara, India Jul 2018-Jan 2019 Sunflower Lab

Sunflower Employee Portal (Java, Spring Microservice, Spring JPA, MySQL, AWS, Junit, Angular)

• Worked in an agile environment and orchestrated the development of an employee profiling microservice from scratch u,lizing Spring Microservice, Angular, and AWS-S3 to maintain structured employee informa,on.

• Redesigned UI and improvised the logic of the Employee Progress Dashboard func,onality by incorpora,ng Chart.js, Google Calendar API, and Angular Material. Empowered project manager for efficient monitoring of employee progress and workload.

• Contributed and facilitated product architectural discussions that brought out best-of-breed solu,ons. PROJECTS

AutocodeGrader-AI enhanced grading system (Python, CodeLlama, Hugging-face, React.js, Express.js, MongoDB, Node.js) Jan 2024-Present

• Leveraging Python and Meta's LLM model - CodeLlama, to refine an AI-powered grading system, AutocodeGrader, aiming at streamlining assessment processes in the educa,onal sector.

• Contribu,ng to the con,nuous improvement of the LLM model by fine-tuning its algorithms and op,mizing its performance for grading various types of coding assignments effec,vely.

• Designing and implemen,ng features to provide students with immediate feedback and scores on their assignments, fostering a more interac,ve learning environment.

Handwri?en RecogniAon (Neural Network, Python, Tensorflow, Keras, Convolu,onal Neural Network (CNN)) Oct 2023-Nov 2023

• Developed and implemented a 4-layer CNN for handwri9en digit recogni,on (0-9) using Python and TensorFlow-Keras.

• Achieved a remarkable 93% accuracy through me,culous construc,on, training, and op,miza,on of the model on the MNIST dataset.

• Implemented Mini-Batch Gradient Descent, ReLU, and Dropout to prevent overfinng, ensuring the model's robust generalizability to new data. Sleep Quality PredicAon (Python, Scikit-Learn, Pandas, NumPy, Matplotlib) Feb 2023-Mar 2023

• Used sleep dataset from SC Sleep-EDF Database and trained and tested algorithms on the dataset by splinng it using 10-fold cross-valida,on.

• Performed Naïve Base, Decision Tree, Random Forest, Linear discriminate analysis, Quadra,c discriminate analysis, and Mul,layer Perceptron.

• Achieved the best performance Quadra,c discriminate analysis (93%), and Mul,layer Perceptron (92%) with fewer features -14. Document Similarity (Python, NLP, Scikit-Learn, Pandas, NumPy, Matplotlib) Nov 2022-Dec 2022

• Developed a document similarity analysis tool (NLP) that can compare and measure the similarity between a collec,on of documents in Python.

• Used Term Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency (TF-IDF), Latent Seman,c Indexing, Jaccard and cosine algorithms to iden,fy similarity using the presiden,al speech dataset and other library such as Pandas, NumPy, Scikit-Learn, NLTK - data manipula,on, vectoriza,on, and text preprocessing. EVA-ReferenAal Based System (Java, Spring boot, Gradle, Angular, MySQL, Bootstrap, Heroku) Sep 2021-Nov 2021

• Spearheaded a business networking applica,on to help business professionals expand their business by crea,ng groups with other businesses.

• Collaborated with the team partner to implement func,onali,es like chat, event scheduler, region-based group mee,ng, email no,fica,on, and payment gateway using Spring boot and Angular.

ITS – OperaAon Management (Spring MVC, MySQL, AJAX, Spring Security,) Mar 2021-Jun 2021

• Created Java EE web applica,on following Java Spring MVC architecture for hybrid learning opera,on management.

• U,lized AJAX technology for search opera,on and implemented dependency injec,on using Spring IOC container. SKILLS

Languages Core Java, Python, JavaScript, Typescript Back-end Development Spring Boot, Hibernate, JPA, Maven, Gradle, Thymeleaf, QueryDSL, Junit, Express.js, Node.js Database MySQL, SQL/PLSQL, MongoDB

Front-end Development Angular, React.js, HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap, Angular Material, Jest & Enzyme Machine Learning libraries Large Language Model, Scikit-learn, Tensorflow, Keras, Pytorch, NumPy, Pandas, Spacy, NLTK Other Tools/Methodologies RESTAPI, Ques,on Driven Development (QDD), JSON, Apache-POI, Itext, OAuth, Git, Amazon Web Service, EC2, S3, Agile Methodologies, Jenkins, Swagger, SonarQube, Kibana, Test Driven Development (TDD) Socware Development Life Cycle (SDLC), Docker.

Grad Coursework Algorithms, Data Structures, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Data Mining, Object-oriented Programming, Big Data Analy,cs, Opera,ng System & Security

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