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medical doctor children and adults, former navy flight surgeon

Rancho Viejo, TX
January 23, 2024

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I went to South Dakota School of Medicine on a Navy Scholarship graduating in 1989. I did a Family Practice Internship at Naval Hospital Charleston, SC where I received a Humanitarian Medal for my efforts during Hurricane Hugo. From there I completed Flight Surgeon training in Pensicola, FL where I got my private fixed wing license and solo Rotary Wing (helicopter)certificate. I then was sent to Guam where I was appointed department head of the NAS Flight Line Clinic in charge or 15 staff, a small emergency room with ambulance, lab, radiology and pharmacy. I was assigned as Senior Flight Surgeon and in charge of Search and Rescue medivacs usually with HC-5, a helicopter squadron although some times with VQ-1, a fixed wing outfit, in which we would retrieve and take care of ill or injured personnel, usually civilian, from ships at sea, near by islands or those stranded in the ‘booneys’. I also worked 12 hour shifts in the ER every other weekend. Because of how well I did in my first PALS class on the island, I was appointed a PALS instructor for future classes at the hospital by the pediatric dept head. I gave lectures at schools, helped with Boy Scouts and was selected to be the narrator of a news segment on HC-5’s SAR missions. During my first two years on Guam I was awarded Flight Surgeon of the Year 1992 for the Pacific Fleet, Flight surgeon of the Year for the Western Pacific Fleet, received a Navy Commendation Medal and two Navy Achievement Medals. On several fit reps I was listed 1st out of 22 or 23 liutenants.

In 1994 I entered civilian life in Brownsville, TX. My first 2 years was spent with a pediatrician in which I was seeing 40 to 50 patients per day. After two years, I decided to go on my own and started my private practice across town adjacent to an area called Cameron Park which at that time had no paved roads, street lighting or drainage. My first week I saw 100 patients, the second 200 patients and the third week about 300 patients. During my first 6 or 7 years I was averaging about 340 patient visits per week, about 16,400 patient visits per year with my largest year being 17,800 visits after which I started to cut my hours. Initially I was working 7 days a week, approx. 12-14 hour days and always gave my patients a chance to ask questions towards the end of their visit. 95% of my clientele were children and the adults were usually their grandparents or parents. 99.5% were Hispanic with probably 75% Spanish being their first language. I had translators with me but I have learned a fair amount of Spanish.

It should be noted that since Covid started my clientele base went to about 70% adults. This I believe is because many adults were not being seen by their original doctors. Many were Insulin Dependent Diabetics with uncontrolled sugars (500+ was not uncommon) with Covid Pneumonia who had no insurance and the local community clinics were not seeing patients. Because of this, I started charging $40 per visit and took care of them the best I could getting their sugars and lungs better in control until their docs would see them. As it turned out, word got around and even those with insurance started coming to see me. Although I see adults I am not an Internal Medicine doc and refer a lot but I can handle most basic things easily like HTN, NIDDM and high cholesterol.

During my post military time I participated as the doc for the ‘Walk with a Doc’ program, gave (and still do) lectures at schools and clubs such as Rotarty about education and vocations, medical topics such as diabetes, breast feeding, obesity, as well as military for Veteran’s Day, was an adult leader for Boy Scouts and supervised two backpacking trips at Philmont Boy Scout Ranch located in the New Mexico mountains, several summer camps and Sea Base, a boating/mariner camp in the Florida Keys. I also have donated to various organizations mostly being churches, schools and scouts. Each year I give out several thousands of dollars worth of gifts to the community here in Brownsville, TX since 1996 and started doing also in my home town of Winfield, IA. For 3 years I was part owner of a hobby store from 2019 til 2023. It was really like a privately owned community center. I eventually turned over my share to my partner as time was becoming a factor. It was called B and D’s Games and Hobbies.

During my high school years I worked farm and lawn care and as a dish washer at the local nursing home. I participated in a myriad of activities including football, wrestling, track, golf, baseball, pep club, band, choir, newspaper, speech. I was Athlete of the Year 1978 and Student Council President. In college I wrestled for a year and a half, cheerleader for 4 years, did a play, was out for Rugby and synchronized swimming. I was our hallways house social chairperson for a year. I was a physics lab assistant and tutored math, physics and chemistry. The summer after my freshman year I went to Marine Officer Candidate School and the following 3 summers I managed the town’s swimming pool to help pay for college.

During the summer of 2020 with the onslaught of Covid-19, my office building in need of major repairs (it was a 50 year old cinder brick former bar), my receiving a military pension from the Navy Reserve, my wanting to be free of running a medical clinic and all the responsibilities there of other than patient care, wishing to be able to travel more freely and less worried when I do travel and to spend more time with family, I decided to sell my building and retire. However, I had many patients and my remaining staff wanting me to stay practicing so currently I work approx. 20 hours a week as an employee of another doctor until 30 JUL 2021. In October, 2021 I started part time at the Brownsville Community Health Center at their request seeing primarily adult patients for chronic and acute care. I am currently employed there at 55% time.

Although I have only practiced in Texas since I left active duty, I am licensed in Iowa, Hawaii and North Carolina. I have never been disciplined and have had no law suits while In private practice. The only blemish is a nuisance suit settled for $15,000 for a suture repair of a hand while at the ER my first few months while on Guam. I wanted to fight it, but the powers that be said just let it go as it was only $15,000.

I have copies of a resume’ I made when I was going to get out of the Navy. It’s kind of big and has my military and medical documents, news paper clippings and photos from when I was in Guam. I’ll send that if you want it.

Thank you for your time and effort.

Bradley W. Nordyke, MD.

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