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Java Developer Web Services

Vandalia, OH, 45490
October 21, 2023

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Narmada Angirekula, LinkedIn,



Experienced and motivated Java Developer with a recent graduate degree in Computer Technology. Strong technical skills in software development, programming, and problem-solving. Demonstrated ability to design, develop, and maintain software solutions. Seeking a challenging role to apply my knowledge and contribute to the success of a dynamic organization.

Educational Details:

Lindsey Wilson College (Masters in Computer Technology) Kentucky, Columbia (Jan 2023 – Aug 2024)

Technical Skills:

Frontend Tools and Web Development

HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React.js, AJAX

Backend Development and Databases

Java, Spring, Spring Boot, JAX-RS (RESTful Web Services), Microservice Architecture, JPA, Hibernate, Oracle, SQL, Cassandra

Testing and Quality Assurance

Junit, Selenium, TestNG, Cucumber, Plexus, JMeter

Collaboration and Documentation

Visio, Confluence

DevOps and Deployment

Azure, AWS, Git, Maven, Jenkins, Docker

Additional Tools

Python, ServiceNow, Postman, Kafka, Flask, Azure Blob Storage, Azure CDN, Azure Functions, Azure Cosmos DB, Azure RBAC, Kafka


Info gain Inc, Hyderabad, India

Role: Java Developer (February 2019-October 2021)

Description: As a Java Developer, I was responsible for designing, developing, and maintaining the software solution for an Enhanced Mortgage Calculator. This online system aims to provide users with a tool to calculate monthly mortgage payments based on various input parameters, helping them make informed decisions about their monthly budget plans.


Utilized Agile Methodology, participating in daily stand-ups, sprint planning, and retrospectives to foster collaboration and continuous improvement.

Worked on web designing and development using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, developed React.js pages, web service calls, and AJAX calls for the application.

Implemented RESTful web service (JAX-RS) and worked with REST and SOAP Web Services for data communications and transferring JSON data between two interfaces.

Leveraged microservices architecture to build scalable and modular components, enabling easy maintenance and adding new functionalities to the website.

Implemented pre-authentication and data base security using Spring security and securing application access and Spring Batch for scheduling and maintenance of batch jobs.

Used JPA and Hibernate with entity beans for interacting persistence layer for CRUD operations.

Experience in working with SQL and NoSQL databases like MySQL and Cassandra.

Developed unit testing framework using JUnit test cases for continuous integration testing.

Utilized Azure cloud services to deploy, manage, and monitor application, ensuring high availability and performance.

Utilized Python libraries, such as NumPy and Pandas, for data analysis and manipulation, contributing to the development of data-driven solutions.

Used Git source code repositories, managed for branching, merging, and tagging the files and used log4j to capture the log that includes runtime exceptions and debug.

Integrated the mortgage calculator application with ServiceNow APIs to enable smooth communication.

Analyzed, designed, and tested database solutions leveraging MSSQL, Oracle databases, ensuring data integrity and optimal performance of the application.

Utilized workflow charts and diagrams in Visio and Confluence to communicate technical concepts and facilitate collaboration with cross-functional teams.

Increased application test coverage by implementing Java, Android SDK, Selenium, TestNG, Cucumber, and JDBC, resulting in more robust and reliable applications.

Utilized Plexus to perform mobile testing, ensuring consistent and accurate results on various devices and screen sizes.

Performed performance testing using JMeter, identifying and resolving bottlenecks to optimize application performance.

Environment: Java, Azure, HTML, CSS, React, JavaScript, SQL, Oracle, JDBC, Python, Visio, Confluence, Selenium, TestNG, Cucumber, Plexus, ServiceNow, Postman, Rest, Maven, Jenkins, GIT, JMeter.


1.Financial Data Analytics Platform (Oracle, SQL)

Developed a financial data analytics platform using Python and Java for data processing, Oracle Database for data storage, and SQL for querying and reporting. Designed and optimized the database schema for efficient data retrieval and analysis. Set up automated data ingestion and transformation processes using CICD tools.

Environment: Python, Java, Oracle Database, SQL, Kafka, Jenkins.

2.Social Media Application (Frontend, DevOps)

The TikTok Clone is a social media application that replicates the core features of the popular TikTok platform, allowing users to create and share short-form videos with the world. It leverages modern frontend tools, Java backend, GCP for cloud infrastructure, Kafka for real-time data processing, and DevOps practices with Docker and Kubernetes for seamless deployment and scalability.

Environment: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, ReactJS, Java, Spring Boot, Google Cloud Platform (GCP), Apache Kafka, Docker, Kubernetes, Jenkins.

3.Travel Booking System

The Travel Booking System is a web-based platform that allows users to search, book, and manage various travel arrangements, including flights, hotels, and transportation services like rental cars or airport transfers. The system will provide users with a seamless and user-friendly experience for planning their trips.

Environment: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, ReactJS, Java, Spring Boot, Google Cloud Platform (GCP), Apache Kafka, Docker, Kubernetes, Jenkins.

4.Inventory Management System:

Design a tool that helps businesses track their inventory, manage stock levels, generate reports, and optimize supply chains using Python, Java, and Oracle for the backend, and HTML, CSS, and JavaScript for the frontend. Implemented user authentication, product catalogs, shopping cart functionality. Utilized CICD with Jenkins for automated testing and deployment.

Environment: Python, Java, Flask, Spring Boot, Oracle Database, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Jenkins.

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